Artista plástico, pintor y performer, nacido en la ciudad de México en el año de 1974. Desde 1994 vivió en Europa, siete años en España donde cursó estudios de Bellas Artes en la fundación ARAUCO (Arte y Autores Contemporáneos). En 2001 es galardonado con la medalla de honor del Salón Internacional de la Academia de las Artes en Bruselas. Posteriormente se trasladó a Londres en busca de depurar su técnica y personalizar su obra. Desde el 2008 a raíz de su exposición en la galería Yoshi de París, el alcalde de Issy-les-Moulineaux, André Santini ofrece un taller. Hoy día vive en Puebla. 

Su trabajo ha sido mostrado en diferentes exposiciones colectivas e individuales en España, Londres, Bruselas, Grecia, Japón, Corea, Estados Unidos, México y Francia. 

Su trayectoria a través de diferentes países, así como su doble origen Mexicana-Japonés le han permitido obtener un criterio analítico de una diversidad cultural bajo un concepto estético que finalmente se revela en su creación plástica, dancística y gastronómica de una manera universal. 

Dicha influencia multicultural en conjunción a una temática antropomórfica, al estudio de la obra de grandes artistas como Siqueiros, Rembrandt, Goya, Velázquez, Tiziano, Bacon entre otros, culpables de despertar su pasión por la pintura y siendo estos una base de inspiración y guía hacia la experimentación técnica, desde una base académica hasta la libre expresión accidental de la materia que le conceden hoy día una autonomía de expresión plástica e intelectual.

Komori was born in Mexico City and has lived in Europe for 25 years. 7 years in Spain where he studied painting and drawing at the ARAUCO Foundation (Contemporary Art and Authors) instructed by Guillermo Muñoz Vera and Javier Pérez Prada among others. Later Komori moved to London in a search to “debug his technique and personalize his work” and since 2008 lived in Paris where he have been recognized by Mr. Andre Santini – Mayor Issy Les Moulineaux – with the provision of his own atelier. 

Komori’s trajectory through different cultures as well as his double Mexican-Japanese origin has allowed him to obtain an analytical criterion of cultural diversity that finally reveals creation in a universal way. They combine multicultural influence with anthropomorphic

themes (strength, emotion, movement, etc.) to explore the continuum between academic and “accident” or free expression. 

In 2015 Komori began to study contact improvisation and contemporary dance to give a better understanding of the human body, the first subject in his plastic art. 2018 and 2019 provided opportunities for Komori to create new work incorporating movement in Goa at JUNGLE DANCE COMPANY, India and at KYTA in the Himalayas. 

Komori’s practice is inspired by his relationship with others and human nature, an inexhaustible melting pot of information (strength, emotion, movement and reflection of all time and period.) His relationship begins in a private and confidential dialogue between matter and emotions, a mixture of joy and pain that ultimately translates into strokes and colors. Constant struggle between chance and the critical and conscious sense, voluntarily – try not to control the process at all – in order to donate a purer result to the work, to listen to the art when it has something to tell him. 

of the subject, granting him an autonomy of visual and intellectual expression. 

Komori’s work has been shown in different galleries in Spain, London, Brussels, Greece, Japan, the United States and Mexico.


Artista plástico, pintor y performer, nacido en la ciudad de México en el año de 1974. Desde 1994 vivió en Europa, siete años en España donde cursó estudios de Bellas Artes en la fundación ARAUCO (Arte y Autores Contemporáneos). En 2001 es galardonado con la medalla de honor del Salón Internacional de la Academia de las Artes en Bruselas. Posteriormente se trasladó a Londres en busca de depurar su técnica y personalizar su obra. Desde el 2008 a raíz de su exposición en la galería Yoshi de París, el alcalde de Issy-les-Moulineaux, André Santini ofrece un taller. Hoy día vive en Puebla. 

Su trabajo ha sido mostrado en diferentes exposiciones colectivas e individuales en España, Londres, Bruselas, Grecia, Japón, Corea, Estados Unidos, México y Francia. 

Su trayectoria a través de diferentes países, así como su doble origen Mexicana-Japonés le han permitido obtener un criterio analítico de una diversidad cultural bajo un concepto estético que finalmente se revela en su creación plástica, dancística y gastronómica de una manera universal. 

Dicha influencia multicultural en conjunción a una temática antropomórfica, al estudio de la obra de grandes artistas como Siqueiros, Rembrandt, Goya, Velázquez, Tiziano, Bacon entre otros, culpables de despertar su pasión por la pintura y siendo estos una base de inspiración y guía hacia la experimentación técnica, desde una base académica hasta la libre expresión accidental de la materia que le conceden hoy día una autonomía de expresión plástica e intelectual.

Komori was born in Mexico City and has lived in Europe for 25 years. 7 years in Spain where he studied painting and drawing at the ARAUCO Foundation (Contemporary Art and Authors) instructed by Guillermo Muñoz Vera and Javier Pérez Prada among others. Later Komori moved to London in a search to “debug his technique and personalize his work” and since 2008 lived in Paris where he have been recognized by Mr. Andre Santini – Mayor Issy Les Moulineaux – with the provision of his own atelier. 

Komori’s trajectory through different cultures as well as his double Mexican-Japanese origin has allowed him to obtain an analytical criterion of cultural diversity that finally reveals creation in a universal way. They combine multicultural influence with anthropomorphic

themes (strength, emotion, movement, etc.) to explore the continuum between academic and “accident” or free expression. 

In 2015 Komori began to study contact improvisation and contemporary dance to give a better understanding of the human body, the first subject in his plastic art. 2018 and 2019 provided opportunities for Komori to create new work incorporating movement in Goa at JUNGLE DANCE COMPANY, India and at KYTA in the Himalayas. 

Komori’s practice is inspired by his relationship with others and human nature, an inexhaustible melting pot of information (strength, emotion, movement and reflection of all time and period.) His relationship begins in a private and confidential dialogue between matter and emotions, a mixture of joy and pain that ultimately translates into strokes and colors. Constant struggle between chance and the critical and conscious sense, voluntarily – try not to control the process at all – in order to donate a purer result to the work, to listen to the art when it has something to tell him. 

of the subject, granting him an autonomy of visual and intellectual expression. 

Komori’s work has been shown in different galleries in Spain, London, Brussels, Greece, Japan, the United States and Mexico.